• 14944 Startup India recognised startups
  • 879StartInUP recognised startups
  • 55Recognised
  • 3 CoE's
  • INR 4.43 Cr.Incentives
  • INR 6.41 Cr.Incentives

Goals of Start in UP.

To establish a world class startup ecosystem in the state by
developing a robust infrastructure and providing conducive policy environment.

India Map
  • To be among top 3 states in the “States’ Startup Ranking” conducted by, GoI
  • Establish/support 100 incubators, minimum one in each district of the State
  • Develop minimum one million square feet of incubation/acceleration space for startups
  • Create the ecosystem for at least 10,000 startups in the state
  • Establish 8 state of the art Center of Excellence (CoEs)
  • Establish India’s largest incubator in Lucknow

StartinUP latest Tweets

Incubators in 15 mandals
Startups in all75districts

Click on district to view details.

